Captivating Time Photography

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Awesome Responses to the Survey!

We sent out a survey to our past clients yesterday and have already received some awesome responses! So thank you! I wanted to explain a few things on here in response to a few of the comments on the survey since we don't know who wrote what. Except for a few people's ;-)
1. A couple of people stated that they'd like to see us have real animals. Which we're working on for Easter! But does anyone have animals they'd be willing to lend to us? We need some tame bunny rabbits! Someone offered her's but we'd like to have a few so let us know!
2. Another person said we should have a special for adults. Great idea! That's why we're offering our Secret Nothings party this Saturday and we offer a Trash the Dress type session without the wedding dress, like what we did on the beach, but that's a great thought for a special once a year so thanks!
3. A couple of people said we should specialize more in seniors. We actually do a ton of seniors. Just booked another appointment this morning! So I guess not everyone knows that. We're working on starting up a senior site as well but these things take time ;-)
4. Things we need to improve..a)someone mentioned hours, we're as flexible as we can be. Janiece's husband gets off at about 10 minutes till 7 so we literally rush up to the studio for our appointments! We do also offer Saturday sessions (but they're booked until May) and we can book Monday day sessions as her husband is off and can watch all of our kids ;-) So when booking your sessions be sure to tell me your kiddos might not be so hot at night. Our kids are night owls so I forget about this one. b)another person mentioned that they don't like the time limits..We understand your desire to stay with us ;-) but you're still getting an hour long session, while most big companies offer you a 10 minute session. Kids don't do well with photos if they're there for 2-3 hours taking pictures. Don't worry, you won't be rushed for your next session and we don't watch the clock. But a few people have stayed for 3-4 hours (literally) and that is just crazy! c)someone mentioned that it's hard to get to the $200 minimum. That's why we let you combine orders and why we're offering special photo events through the year so be sure to take advantage of these discounted sessions! We really are trying to accomodate everyone and we have become family with our clients so we didn't want people's portrait experience's hindered because of money. So BE SURE to book these sessions in advance!!!
You guys are all great. Some of the responses were so moving! God has blessed us with the best clients and friends!
If you haven't filled out your survey please do! This is so cool and insightful! Plus it's helping us know what we need to tell people more (like that we do seniors) and what you guys are in the mood for (like couple shots)! This is fun!!


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